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Perspectives and Peace

As a year of great violence and mass suffering comes to a close, I recommend taking the time to slow down and read this honest, personal, and humble commentary by Mary Gaitskill. I too have been uninformed for so long–and have been trying to steadily remedy this by reading history as told from various

A New Season Begins

San Francisco Ballet is about to begin its 90th season, the company’s first under new artistic director Tamara Rojo. I spent the better part of a day watching Rojo teach company class and coach dancers, and wrote about the beginning of her tenure for the San Francisco Chronicle here. January and February will bring me

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Essay “Shaver Lake” Featured on Cover of the Northwest Review
Essay “Shaver Lake” Featured on Cover of the Northwest Review

My essay “Shaver Lake” was excerpted on the cover of the Winter 21 Northwest Review. Unfortunately the essay remains relevant and will become more relevant in the years to come. You can read it here.

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Authenticity comes from a single faithfulness: that to the ambiguity of experience. Its energy is to be found in how one event leads to another. Its mystery is not in the words but on the page." --John Berger

I don't really know whether art can exist without a certain degree of tranquility or spiritual poise; without a certain amount of quiet you can have neither philosophy nor religion nor painting nor poetry." --Saul Bellow

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